Repairs, Restorations and Conservation 
T 0121 415 5271 phone lines open 11 - 2pm 
In this day and age where time is at a premium and full overhauls get more expensive we find ourselves offering to do more and more part job repair work. On one hand this may save the customer some expense and me some time it can prove that the cheaper option is not necessarily the best. Recently one such job proved to be a nightmare! 
The Clock and Watch fair meets five times a year at the motor cycle museum in Birmingham. 
We have had a stand at the fair for the past year and love meeting up with all the other clock and watch makers. 
I have been attending the fair for years due to my interest in clocks and watches. 
Pictured is a restored movement from a French marble clock with a visible brocot deadbeat escapement which has just been finished and light power applied to the main springs. It has been placed on a movement stand and as you can see it is tripping through without the pendulum and at a precarious angle, not only is it tripping through it is releasing the striking mechanism without stopping the clock.